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What Are the Requirements for a Medical Marijuana Card in Mississippi

Understanding how to obtain a medical marijuana card in Mississippi can be crucial for patients seeking alternative treatments for their health conditions. This guide will walk you through all the requirements, ensuring you have all the necessary information to apply successfully.


Medical marijuana has been recognized for its potential benefits in treating various medical conditions. In Mississippi, patients with qualifying conditions can obtain a medical marijuana card to access this treatment legally. This article details the requirements for obtaining a medical marijuana card in Mississippi, including eligibility criteria, the application process, and necessary documentation.

Eligibility Criteria for a Medical Marijuana Card in Mississippi

The first step in obtaining a medical marijuana card in Mississippi is understanding the eligibility criteria. Not everyone qualifies for a card, as it is reserved for individuals with specific medical conditions. Here’s what you need to know:

Qualifying Medical Conditions

Mississippi law outlines specific medical conditions that qualify a patient for a medical marijuana card. These conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy or other seizure disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Chronic pain
  • Glaucoma
  • Severe nausea

Patients must have a diagnosis from a licensed physician for one of these conditions to be eligible.

Age and Residency Requirements

Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Minors can apply but must have a registered caregiver. Additionally, applicants must be residents of Mississippi, providing proof of residency through a state ID, driver’s license, or other accepted documentation.

Medical Evaluation and Recommendation

A key requirement for obtaining a medical marijuana card is a medical evaluation by a licensed physician. The physician must be registered with the Mississippi Department of Health’s medical marijuana program and must certify that the patient has a qualifying condition.

The Application Process for a Medical Marijuana Card in Mississippi

Once you’ve determined that you meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is the application process. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Consultation with a Registered Physician

Schedule an appointment with a physician registered with the state’s medical marijuana program. During this consultation, the physician will evaluate your medical condition and determine if you qualify for medical marijuana. If you qualify, the physician will provide a written certification.

Gather Required Documentation

Prepare the necessary documents for your application, including:

  • Proof of Mississippi residency (state ID, driver’s license, utility bill, etc.)
  • Written certification from a registered physician
  • A completed application form (available on the Mississippi Department of Health’s website)

Submit the Application

Submit your completed application form, along with the required documentation and any applicable fees, to the Mississippi Department of Health. Applications can typically be submitted online or via mail.

Application Fees

There are fees associated with applying for a medical marijuana card. These fees cover the processing of your application and the issuance of the card. Ensure you check the current fee schedule on the Mississippi Department of Health’s website, as fees may vary.

What to Expect After Submission

After submitting your application, there is a review process. Here’s what happens next:

Review and Approval Process

The Mississippi Department of Health will review your application to ensure all information is accurate and complete. This process includes verifying your medical certification and residency status. If your application is approved, you will receive your medical marijuana card via mail.

Denial and Appeals

If your application is denied, you will receive a notification explaining the reason for the denial. Common reasons for denial include incomplete applications or failure to meet the eligibility criteria. You have the right to appeal the decision, providing additional information or correcting any errors in your application.

Receiving Your Medical Marijuana Card

Upon approval, your medical marijuana card will be mailed to you. This card allows you to purchase medical marijuana from licensed dispensaries in Mississippi. Ensure you keep your card with you when purchasing or possessing medical marijuana.

Using Your Medical Marijuana Card

Having a medical marijuana card in Mississippi comes with specific guidelines and responsibilities. Here’s what you need to know:

Purchasing Medical Marijuana

With your medical marijuana card, you can purchase medical marijuana from state-licensed dispensaries. Dispensaries will verify your card and identity before completing a sale.

Possession Limits

Mississippi law sets limits on the amount of medical marijuana a patient can possess. It’s crucial to stay within these limits to avoid legal issues. The possession limit is typically based on the recommendation of your physician and state regulations.

Renewal Process

Medical marijuana cards in Mississippi have an expiration date. You must renew your card before it expires to continue using medical marijuana legally. The renewal process is similar to the initial application and involves a new medical evaluation and updated documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a medical marijuana card?

A medical marijuana card is an identification card issued by the state that allows patients with qualifying medical conditions to purchase and use medical marijuana legally.

Who can certify me for a medical marijuana card?

Only a physician registered with the Mississippi Department of Health’s medical marijuana program can certify you for a medical marijuana card.


How long does it take to get a medical marijuana card in Mississippi?

The processing time for a medical marijuana card application can vary. Typically, it takes a few weeks from the time of submission to receive your card.


What should I do if my application is denied?

If your application is denied, you will receive a notice explaining the reason. You can appeal the decision by providing additional information or correcting any errors in your application.


Can minors obtain a medical marijuana card?

Yes, minors can obtain a medical marijuana card in Mississippi, but they must have a registered caregiver who is responsible for managing their medical marijuana use.


What conditions qualify for a medical marijuana card in Mississippi?

Conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and PTSD are among those that qualify for a medical marijuana card in Mississippi.



Obtaining a medical marijuana card in Mississippi involves meeting specific eligibility criteria, undergoing a medical evaluation, and submitting a detailed application. By understanding the requirements and following the outlined steps, patients with qualifying conditions can access medical marijuana as part of their treatment plan. Always consult with a registered physician and stay informed about state regulations to ensure a smooth application process.

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