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the states with the highest rates of virtual life sentences for non-violent crimes are illinois, california, and tennessee. these three states together house over half of the virtual life-sentenced population (56.2%). illinois, tennessee, and california account for over half of the virtual life sentences imposed for non-violent crimes. the states with the lowest rates of virtual life sentences for non-violent crimes are new hampshire, south dakota, and wyoming. these three states house less than 10 percent of the virtual life-sentenced population for these offenses. the states with the lowest rate of virtual life sentences for non-violent crimes are vermont, new jersey, and connecticut, with 0.5, 0.3, and 0.3 percent of prisoners serving virtual life, respectively.

the lwp population in american prisons grew from approximately 6,800 in 1980 to 22,000 in 2016. this represents a staggering growth of 350 percent. the proportion of male life sentences more than doubled from 3.1 percent in 1980 to 7.1 percent in 2016. the proportion of female life sentences increased from 2.7 percent in 1980 to 5.8 percent in 2016. the proportion of male virtual life sentences more than quadrupled from 0.8 percent in 1980 to 3.7 percent in 2016. the proportion of female virtual life sentences grew from 0.7 percent in 1980 to 2.2 percent in 2016. overall, life sentences for women grew from 1.2 percent to 4.1 percent of all long-sentenced women in the united states, while life sentences for men grew from 2.2 percent to 8.1 percent of all long-sentenced men. the prevalence of lwp increased in every state except maine and west virginia.

for u.s. prisoners with sentences of 50 years or more, a slightly lower percentage of offenders (10.2 percent) have received de facto life sentences, but those sentences are more than twice as long. while in theory, the vast majority of those serving virtual life are not juveniles, the overwhelming majority of those serving virtual life for a crime in their youth are. only 1.3 percent of the virtual life prisoners in the u. are serving a sentence for a crime committed in their teenage years. more than half (55 percent) are serving a life-with-parole sentence, and a third (32 percent) are serving lwop, a form of life without parole. less than 10 percent are serving a sentence of less than 50 years.
the relatively high percentage of inmates serving virtual life who are juveniles is due, in part, to a larger percentage of juveniles serving time in the united states than in other oecd countries. more specifically, for children (ages 10-14) and teenagers (ages 15-19), the u.s. has one of the highest percentages of juvenile and adolescent offenders, although such offenders only comprise 5.1 and 4.3 percent, respectively, of all u. prisoners. for youth ages 10-14, the u. ranks second in the percentage of offenders serving lwp and de facto life sentences, with 5.9 and 5.8 percent, respectively. for youth ages 15-19, the u. ranks third, with 4.3 and 4.2 percent of offenders serving lwp and de facto life sentences, respectively. the highest percentage of virtual life sentences in these two age groups was in the u.
the u.s. also has a relatively high percentage of virtual life sentences in the general population. for adult offenders, the u. ranks second in the proportion of virtual life sentences, with 15.2 percent of all adult prisoners serving virtual life. of the more than 15,000 prisoners serving virtual life sentences in the u., more than half (8,298) are serving a life-with-parole sentence. lwp is the most prevalent form of life sentence for youth, comprising one-third (4,250) of those serving virtual life. for juveniles (ages 10-14), virtual life sentences make up nearly half (46.2 percent) of all life sentences. for teenagers (ages 15-19), virtual life sentences make up one-third (33.9 percent) of all life sentences. however, children (ages 10-14) only comprise 2.8 percent of all juvenile offenders, and teenagers (ages 15-19) only comprise 0.7 percent of all juvenile offenders.


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