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Sys Manage Copyright2 Crack Cocaine ^NEW^

Sys Manage Copyright2 Crack Cocaine ^NEW^



Sys Manage Copyright2 Crack Cocaine

cocaine and cocaine derivatives are readily available over thecounter and are sold by the gram or the gram-equivalent (e.g., “skunk”). additionally, they are easily manufactured using simple equipment. the trend has been for the clandestine cocaine to contain increasing amounts of other illicit drugs, including heroin and methamphetamine. although cocaine has been around for centuries, its use has increased from the 1960s to the present day. this increase has been attributed to the rise of cocaine use for a “softer” high and the fact that cocaine was easily obtained. [16] the new york health department estimated that, in 2012, cocaine was consumed almost four million times at clubs, restaurants, and other venues, and in a variety of locations. [17]

acute cocaine toxicity causes vasoconstriction, bronchoconstriction, and increased myocardial oxygen demand. as a result, the most common presentation of acute cocaine toxicity is hypertension. the cocaine-induced hypertension is mediated by the selective stimulation of the adrenergic receptors in the vascular smooth muscle. cocaine, like many sympathomimetic drugs, increases blood pressure through both direct vasoconstriction and indirectly by increasing myocardial oxygen demand. cocaine-related hypertension is usually within the normal range, but may cause hypotension in patients with fluid depletion or adrenal insufficiency. in addition, cocaine can cause tachycardia, which may be due to increased sympathetic stimulation, decreased parasympathetic stimulation, or direct myocardial toxicity. cocaine can cause a variety of neurological symptoms, including seizures, agitation, and psychosis. the toxicity and severity of the symptoms are inversely related to the purity of the cocaine. [18] [19] [20]

in the united states, the most common method of illicit drug delivery is smoking the drug. injecting cocaine is rare, although injection of cocaine powder has been reported. eating the drug is also uncommon. ingestion typically results in nausea and vomiting, which may be preceded by a period of euphoria and a sensation of warmth.
the diagnosis of cocaine toxicity is based on clinical suspicion and laboratory tests. because of its hemodynamic effects, a pulmonary artery catheter is not routinely necessary to diagnose cocaine toxicity. however, central venous pressures and blood pressure measurements can be used to differentiate between vasodilatation and decreased myocardial contractility.
the mainstay of treatment for cocaine toxicity is supportive care. physostigmine has not been shown to be effective in reversing the effects of cocaine toxicity. physical cooling and a short course of oral or intravenous steroids may be needed. persistent hypotension may require emergent treatment with vasopressors.
trauma patients who have cocaine toxicity are often less likely to have a complete trauma work-up. only a few data sources suggest a link between the use of cocaine and an increased risk for traumatic brain injury.
patients with respiratory depression or cardiac arrest should be intubated, ventilated, and transferred to a high-level facility. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) should be performed only by trained and certified personnel. in adults, cocaine toxicity causes a slow, but progressive, fall in blood pressure.
cocaine toxicity may lead to cardiac arrhythmias and an increase in blood pressure. the risk of significant acute cardiovascular effects is higher in cocaine abusers who are under 40 years of age and in those who use more than 1 gram of cocaine daily.


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