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Qari Qasim Jan Mp3 Full Quran 81 ((BETTER))

Qari Qasim Jan Mp3 Full Quran 81 ((BETTER))



Qari Qasim Jan Mp3 Full Quran 81

43. The position of the Ma’jūmiyyah regarding the commandments of the Quran for the women is mentioned in the following verses: In the book of al-Tawqīf there is a Quranic verse (5:81) in which the word Tuakkuzah is translated as nawratī or ladābī. If the book of al-Tawqīf were reliable, the verse would be invalidated, even if the authentic books of the Prophet were not wrong about the Quranic texts. For the word ladābī has the meaning of a person who dresses modestly and leads a pious life. But the trust in this regard in the Ma’jūmiyyah is not correct inasmuch as al-Tawqīf is not an authentic Hadith, while that Hadith had been mentioned in all the authentic books of the Prophet. For the Tawārīkh al-Kabīr, the authentic book of the Prophet, makes no reference to the meaning of the word ladābī, nor do its chapters and quotations include any of the words ladābī such as nawratī.

44. Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah has said in his commentary in al-Fatawa: If woman were unable to read the Quranic verses, the question might arise as to whether she should read other books of doctrine or not. For the order is given in this matter: It is the duty of the woman to belong to her husband excessively and not to be renowned other than him in the service of this. The divine command is thus definite and certain. If she reads the Taqqīd, lectures, conferences, the interpretation of the Quran, the explanations etc., she would in fact be disobeying the command. And although there are many opinions about how her duty in this respect may be discharged, yet there is no difference of opinion, they all agree that in fact she is not allowed to do that unless she is dutiful to her husband, and that her service for her children, relatives, relatives’ children and hospitality to others is an indispensible duty liable to not be taken away from her unless by her own free will, and she is not obliged to attribute to others any of these services in the absence of her husband’s permission.




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