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* **Organizational features:** Organizing your pictures with layers, shapes, and masks enables you to find a particular portion of an image when you need it, allowing you to modify only what you need. This is a great time-saver.
* **Effects:** The ability to apply special effects to images is one of the reasons people love Photoshop. The program has a wide variety of features that can help you enhance, manipulate, or create images.
* **Color correction:** The Color panel can be used to adjust the color of a particular object, the entire image, or even the entire image layer. For example, you can increase or decrease the red in an entire image so you see a red rose or increase red only in the faces of your photo subjects.
* **Retouching features:** The ability to remove unwanted objects, fix blemishes, delete shadows, and repair spots is a great feature.
* **Transform features:** The Transform tools enable you to make quick selections, undo specific selections, flip or rotate your selection, or move it.
* **Adjustment layers:** The Layers panel is another great feature for working with your images. The Adjustment layer allows you to modify each layer of an image, adjusting its brightness, contrast, color, and so on.
* **Figure-level selection:** You can use the Selector tool to create a box that isolates a section of an image. This method of selection is similar to a paint bucket.

All these features are useful and important in image editing. I even find myself using Photoshop for reasons other than editing. For example, sometimes I’ll use Photoshop to enhance the quality of a scanned image to make it easier to print. See the next section for details.

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This overview of Photoshop Elements for photographers will cover the main features and functions of the program. There will be some discussion of digital photography techniques and tools. Photoshop Elements will also be compared with Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 17 for Macintosh. Photo Credit: CreativeCOW

What is Photoshop Elements?

Photoshop Elements is a photo editing program that is free to download and use. It was introduced in 2008. The program has more features and tools than Photoshop Elements 12 but not as many as Photoshop CS3. Photoshop Elements can be downloaded from Adobe’s website for free.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 13.


For photographers, Photoshop Elements offers most of the features of traditional Photoshop.

The program contains a workspace with multiple panels (Windows), thumbnails (Windows), and tools (Mac).

The workspace is divided into five panels:

Digital photography: There is a basic editing workspace containing tools to adjust images in the viewfinder mode.

There is a basic editing workspace containing tools to adjust images in the viewfinder mode. Smart Objects: There is a small workspace containing numerous smart objects with functions ranging from automatic image retouching to color correction. You can use the image itself as a template.

There is a small workspace containing numerous smart objects with functions ranging from automatic image retouching to color correction. You can use the image itself as a template. Image Bin: This panel is a screen for inserting images into the larger image. The images can be saved as a new image, inserted in a new project, or placed in a folder. The thumbnail and metadata are automatically updated when the image is inserted.

This panel is a screen for inserting images into the larger image. The images can be saved as a new image, inserted in a new project, or placed in a folder. The thumbnail and metadata are automatically updated when the image is inserted. Photo Album: This panel shows a thumbnail and detailed information about the image.

This panel shows a thumbnail and detailed information about the image. History Panel: When images are edited, the original versions are stored here. You can compare and view up to the last 10 versions of an image.

When images are edited, the original versions are stored here. You can compare and view up to the last 10 versions of an image. Effects Panel: This panel contains over 50 effects and adjustments that can be applied to images.

This panel contains over 50 effects and adjustments that can be applied

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Just months into his presidency, the future of relations between the United States and Cuba could be up for grabs as the Trump administration is threatening to re-open the door for Cuba to become a “full member” of the United Nations.

Indeed, that is the focus of a panel discussion titled, “Cuba: Diplomacy and the U.S. Supreme Court” on Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the International House of Prayer in Orange.

Panelist Maria Teresa Rodriguez was the lead author of a prominent section of the island’s constitution that allows the government to join the United Nations.

“The most important thing for us in terms of looking to the future is to continue to deepen Cuba’s relations with other countries in Latin America, and the United States is the natural partner,” Rodriguez said. “We also want to try to deepen relations with other countries in the world and the government has just signed a historic agreement with the European Union.”

The “Corporate Council” of the International House of Prayer was formed in 1999 by Trinity House to strengthen the body of believers and encourage families to adopt a united and unified stance on prayer.

Organizers, which include David A. Lane of Irvine, are trying to draw a big crowd to hear experts — both Cuban and otherwise — discuss all aspects of relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

“This is an important issue,” said Joseph L. Cook, president of the group. “We are calling this meeting as our first major public event to warn of the threat to the family of God.”

Rodriguez, who now lives in Atlanta, said her involvement in the creation of Cuba’s constitution was a part of the early days of establishing democracy in the island nation.

“What was really important to me was that the constitution establish the basis on which a democracy can be built,” she said.

Though Rodriguez remained a strong supporter of President Fidel Castro’s brand of communism, which helped bring her to the United States from her native Cuba in the late 1970s, she said the early days of the revolution were very dark.

“The first four or five years in that decade were really very hard and it was hard to see a place where things would

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, which would trigger hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater flooding into the streets. It is not just about safety, the latest estimate has a 23-cent price tag. There is no way the EPA will pay for the whole thing, but they will have to contribute some funding.

The worst sewage spill in history took place in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Seven years later, it is, according to the EPA, still the biggest chemical spill in US history. It has not yet completely cleaned up the mess.

Long story short: large, more dangerous spills have happened before. The rates are very low, and neither Exxon, BP, Shell, or Chevron are going to risk their business plans by sending the TPT into the Gulf of Mexico.

The risk of this spill is small. So, in the words of Congressman Bono, we need to “get the hell out of the way.”

And what would that do for the planet? Say that this spill is the biggest threat to the planet. The risk of that happening is extremely low. So we could just write off this spill as a small price to pay for the benefit of the planet. Don’t go for it.

There is an ancient saying: “if the emperor has no clothes, but you bring him new ones, then he will reveal the ones that were his all along.” The whole basis of the Alberta Tar Sands and the growth of the so-called “clean” energy industries is based on naivete about the ecological effects.

Water wars can be inevitable if they are used as a weapon to force through plans that are opposed by the public and the environment. I remember the water wars in the 60’s in a city in West Germany.

German cities were being destroyed because they were building their grandiose plans to build cities according to the model of the American “dream cities”. The rationale was, that it would provide jobs for the American economy.

It was a collective effort – women, labor, civil society and men who should have marched in the streets to mobilize opposition. But the cities were built with sand instead of cement, and the water pipes were buried in the grounds rather than sitting in the ground – and people suffered the effects of many unused pipes that broke and let water out in the streets.

The big problem with fighting “global warming” is: we are heading for a water war.


System Requirements:

Supported Hardware:
Windows 2000 SP4 (32-bit)
Windows XP SP2 (32-bit)
Windows XP SP2 (64-bit)
Windows Vista SP2 (32-bit)
Windows Vista SP2 (64-bit)
Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit)
Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)


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