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You can use Photoshop for free when you download Adobe Photoshop Elements (www.adobe.com/products/elements.html) and use the free version. You can buy a perpetual license with the paid program.

The following sections show you how to use each major tool in Photoshop.

## Tools

Photoshop comes with a toolbox for every task you’re likely to perform on your images. When you see the Toolbox window, you can click and drag each tool onto a layer in your file to select that tool and then click and drag the tool to your image or any part of your layers to use it. Photoshop builds layers in the order you drag and drop the tools.

You can also use the tools by pressing the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1. Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut| Name of Tool
— | —
Ctrl+A| Selection tool
Ctrl+X| Clone stamp
Ctrl+Z| Undo
Ctrl+C| Copy
Ctrl+I| Invert Selection
Ctrl+Shift+I| Clear Selection

The following illustration shows you the Toolbox window with the tools on the layers in this file. In the lower left of the window are layer swatches that you can use to apply and save selections to your layers. You can also use the swatches to turn on or off or rearrange the order of your tools.

When you click the small, semitransparent box in the Toolbox, it expands to show you the tool in detail. This is useful if you’re not sure which tool is best to use. In the following example, the top right side of the Toolbox is showing you that you can use the Clone Stamp and the Healing Brush.

Each tool in the Toolbox has shortcut keystrokes that enable you

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I used Photoshop Elements in the past when I did not have any version of Photoshop and this was before Photoshop, but as I am frequently looking for reasons to update my collection, I decided to move my Photoshop Elements to see how they both compare.

This comparison will include all the graphic editing and basic image creation and editing, with only the design tools being changed.

Check out the rest of my comparisons of graphic and image editing tools here!

Is Elements a Photoshop Killer?

Final Thoughts

The Good

Elements is cheaper than Photoshop and has a better user interface.

There are plenty of useful features included in Elements.

Basic image and graphic editing tools.

The Bad

Does not have all of the features of Photoshop.

Image editing tools are not as powerful as those in Photoshop.


One of the best things about Photoshop is the huge collection of features, such as retouching, filters, and powerful blending modes. By comparison, Elements is a Photoshop alternative rather than the total Photoshop replacement.

Basic image and graphic editing tools

While Photoshop Elements has basic and powerful image and graphic editing tools, it is still not as comprehensive as those in Photoshop.

Basic Image Editing tools Photoshop Elements Photoshop

Both Photoshop and Elements have adjustments that have become standard in the industry, such as Histogram, Levels, Curves, and Shadow and Burn.

However, Photoshop has more tools for editing images, including spot healing tools and masking tools.

Basic image editing tools Photoshop Elements Photoshop

Both Photoshop and Elements have tools that are extremely useful for basic tasks. However, Photoshop has a more powerful selection tool than Elements, which means a wider range of selection tools.

However, the edit tools in Elements are better for cropping, rotating and straightening images.

TIP: When using the crop tool with Elements, you can lock the rotation so that you only have to turn the image once to get the right proportion.

Transparency support

Elements makes it easy to create and edit transparent layers, and Photoshop Elements is still the only program that supports all the different types of transparency.

However, the Transparency options in Photoshop are better for creating complex effects and special effects.

Photoshop Elements supports both path and layer-based transparency.

Path-based transparency in Elements is very basic, but Elements does support selection-based transparency.


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Now, the question I want to answer is this: Can a superhero that’s also a superhero be the face of a major superhero franchise?

Let’s look at each of the four sides.

Superhero as Headliner

This is what we’d expect a The Dark Knight or Iron Man to do. They are the headliner and star of the superhero movie. They’re the one who saves people. All other characters go after the bad guy and give him the evil he needs to get his plan across. It could be said that the villain is just a tool used by the hero to save us and help deliver the “message” of the story.

That’s what we saw in Marvel’s and DC’s movies: The superhero is the star and the villain is just a tool used for narrative purposes.

Superhero as NPC

Superhero comics are such that the more features you give the hero, the more plot and stories there are to show off on the page. The more everything has to be planned and staged, the more tedious the story can feel. It’s hard to make a character super and it feels more forced when you have to give the character super powers.

But the trick is to give the character without giving him all the powers. The villain acts as the drama and it’s the hero who saves the day. The villain is a large part of the villain’s plan and the hero is just the boy scout.

That’s what we see in The Avengers and there was some of that in Captain America. Cap’s life was in danger at one point, but other heroes distracted him. The villain, though, was the sole focus of the movie.

Superhero as Supporting

This is when the hero is just a tool for the story of the character we’re trying to tell. Spiderman does this in the movie, but that’s because Sony’s Peter Parker was the heart of the story. He was Spiderman so he became the star of the movie and the rest of the cast was just there to show what could have happened if Peter hadn’t stopped a burglar.

In the comics, Spidey is just a tool and so is Luke Cage.

Superhero as a Movie Star

This is when you give the hero everything and the other side of the

What’s New In Photoshop EXpress?


how to calculate sum of all the cells in an excel table?

How to sum up all the cells in the table including the headers?
I have tried using

and it sums up the entire range (that is not true), not just the cells in the table. I want the sum of all the cells in the table including the headers, is there a way to do this?


Try changing the range to:

This will sum all of the values in the first row.
If you want to sum the values in a table (which is what your question seems to be) then changing it to:

Will do the trick.


Fetch values from variable and write it in Java one by one in JOptionPane

My code goes as
int length = Integer.parseInt(choice.getName());
double length = Double.parseDouble(choice.getChoice());
int quota = Integer.parseInt(choice.getQuota());
int capacity = Integer.parseInt(choice.getCapacity());
int width = Integer.parseInt(choice.getWidth());
int height = Integer.parseInt(choice.getHeight());
int cols = length/capacity*capacity;
int rows = length/capacity;
if (choice.getchoice().isEmpty()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “The value to be displayed cannot be empty”, “Error”, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “You have chosen the following: Length: ” + String.format(“%.02f”,length) + “, Quota: ” + String.format(“%.02f”,quota) + “, Capacity: ” +

System Requirements:

4G/3G Internet connection
Windows 7/Vista/XP/8
15 GB disk space
RAM: Minimum of 1GB of RAM
Processor: Recommended 1GHz or higher
Video Card: NVIDIA 9 series or above recommended
Graphics Card: 1024 MB available
Sound Card: NVIDIA 9 series or above recommended
Operating System: Windows 7/Vista/XP/8
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