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Navigation Calculation Assistant Free [32|64bit] [Latest]

Navigation Calculation Assistant is intended to be an educational tool (CAI) for celestial navigation as well as a tool to help a navigator work a sight using traditional navigation with a sextant.

Navigation Calculation Assistant can be used as a tool to

Work a sight with the sextant, longitude finder or a GPS

Find the bearing to a fix point or bearing to another fix

Work a sky chart (it has its own powerful and complete sky chart editor)

Work a VOR

Work a TVR

Make and plot a sextant sight

Work a chart plotter

Work a sun finder

Compute the angle of elevation of the sun at different zenith distances

Compute the angle of azimuth at different zenith distances

Compute the azimuth of a celestial body at different zenith distances

Work a dead reckoning calculator

Serve as an aid to a navigator

Answer questions from a navigator

Navigation Calculation Assistant includes 6 complete sky charts:

– The whole sky north of (25) N, from (0)° to (90)° W
– A chart from (70)° N to (80)° N
– A chart from (15)° N to (25)° N
– A chart from (45)° N to (55)° N
– A chart from (85)° N to (95)° N
– A chart from (15)° N to (25)° N

It also includes a computerized sky chart editor.
The sky editor includes special tools to plot different sky charts.
The sky editor also includes special tools to work a sky chart.

It includes a powerful graphic user interface (GUI).
It is easy to navigate.

Navigation Calculation Assistant is completely programmable.
The program code can be customized for a navigator’s specific needs.

Some highlights include:

It is a simple C++ program that runs in the background.
Navigation Calculation Assistant runs in the background on the navigator’s computer while the navigator does other tasks.

Navigation Calculation Assistant can be used to work a sight
with a sextant or a compass.

Navigation Calculation Assistant includes powerful tools to

Work a sight with the sextant, long

Navigation Calculation Assistant

This app can work in a variety of modes: visual, to be used with a sextant or other instruments; and symbology, to be used with the touchscreen.
In one mode, the ‘global azimuth mode’, it computes the azimuth of the target point from a user specified initial azimuth and range, and displays it on a map in a virtual sky (with the option to display the equatorial or ecliptic coordinates).
In the other mode, the’symbology mode’, it can produce a range card that may be superimposed on the sextant view (with the option to display the azimuth and range).
Other features include ‘camera view’, a feature that displays a simulated eyepiece, with simulated camera left and right, field of view and distance of the target from the viewer.
A’menu’ function allows the user to toggle between different display options.
Navigation Calculation Assistant has been tested on iOS 6.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.3 was released in September, 2014.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4 was released in November, 2015.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.1 was released in February, 2017.

Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.2 was released in March, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.2 had several minor bugfixes to remove “jumping” bugs in the navigation calculation.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.3 was released in May, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.4 was released in June, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.5 was released in August, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.6 was released in September, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version was released in November, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.7 was released in December, 2017.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version was released in January, 2018.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version fixed several minor bugs.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.8 was released in February, 2018.
Navigation Calculation Assistant version 1.4.8 had several minor bugfixes and a large number of small changes.
Navigation Calculation

Navigation Calculation Assistant Crack License Key

If you are looking for a simple, easy-to-use software that is reliable and accurate for calculating your Navigation grade information such as, altitude, altitude rate, ground speed, course, ground track, distance, bearing, magnetic variation, geoid, topocentric right ascension and declination for the entire world, you are at the right place.
Navigation Calculation Assistant is a stand-alone program that calculates all celestial navigation calculations for an object with latitudes and longitudes, time, altitude and azimuth that are entered and formatted by the user.
Navigation Calculation Assistant can do all navigation calculations such as:
Use an object’s latitude and longitude to compute its altitude, azimuth, right ascension, and declination and backtrack the altitude, azimuth, and the direction of travel.
Generate the altitude, azimuth and right ascension and declination at a given time.
Use objects altitudes and azimuths to find distance to the object.
Use distance to generate a ground track
Obtain a ground track
Find the ground speed of a moving object
Do the calculations required to find the bearing to the object
Calculate a ship’s time at a given distance from the object.
Calculate the latitude, longitude, and geoid for an object.
Calculate the difference between sea level and the geoid, using observed sea level at any point on the earth.

Navigation Calculation Assistant is intended to be an educational tool (CAI) for celestial navigation as well as a tool to help a navigator work a sight using traditional navigation with a sextant.
Give Navigation Calculation Assistant a try to fuly assess its capabilities!
Navigation Calculation Assistant Description:
If you are looking for a simple, easy-to-use software that is reliable and accurate for calculating your Navigation grade information such as, altitude, altitude rate, ground speed, course, ground track, distance, bearing, magnetic variation, geoid, topocentric right ascension and declination for the entire world, you are at the right place.
Navigation Calculation Assistant is a stand-alone program that calculates all celestial navigation calculations for an object with latitudes and longitudes, time, altitude and azimuth that are entered and formatted by the user.
Navigation Calculation Assistant can do all navigation calculations such as:
Use an object’s latitude and

What’s New in the Navigation Calculation Assistant?

Navigation Calculation Assistant (CAI) is a celestial navigation tool (with celestial globe) aimed to meet the requirements of navigation with a sextant.

Functional features:

Navigation Calculation Assistant allows the user to perform calculations for:

Navigation Route

Evaluation of Navigation Route

Evaluation of Navigation Route according to the Sun

Evaluation of Navigation Route according to the Moon

Evaluation of Navigation Route according to Stars

Estimation of Celestial Body Position Angle

Estimation of Star Position Angle

Estimation of Glider Angle

Estimation of Sun Position Angle

Estimation of Moon Position Angle

Navigation Calculation Assistant software is developed using a high-level programming language which enables users to perform much more complex tasks than just calculating the celestial positions with a sextant.

Navigation Calculation Assistant includes functionality which allows to perform all the above mentioned navigation tasks in two forms:

interactive mode (also known as real-time mode)

batch mode


On Windows system, in case of some reasons, the software will not be able to correctly report all the distances between the celestial bodies and the observer.

The error will happen if the following conditions are met:

The observer is located far from the celestial body.

The observer’s latitude is close to the celestial body’s latitude.

The observer’s longitude is close to the celestial body’s longitude.

The observer’s altitude is close to the celestial body’s altitude.

We recommend a solution which is to move the observer closer to the celestial body.

Additionally, the observer can be in the course of the stellar observations.

The analysis of the navigational situation can be performed using CAI software.

Navigation Calculation Assistant is developed using a high-level programming language which enables users to perform much more complex tasks than just calculating the celestial positions with a sextant.

CAI is developed in three modes:

start-up mode

interactive mode (also known as real-time mode)

batch mode

The differences between the start-up mode, interactive mode and the batch mode are described in this document:

CAI is developed in three modes:

start-up mode

interactive mode (also known as real-time mode)

batch mode

The differences between the start-up mode, interactive mode and the batch mode are described in


System Requirements For Navigation Calculation Assistant:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: 1.6 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Hard Drive: 500 MB of available space
Hard Drive: 1 GB of available space
Additional Notes:
F1 2011 features and online features are supported in both single and multiplayer modes.
F1 2011 supports both a classic F1 and the new F1 2011 style. There are no visual differences


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