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Quark, acquired by Adobe in 2007, is a native Mac-based program with a similar feature set to Photoshop. Quark enables you to create and alter graphics, including vectors and raster images. It is commonly used in commercial print design and packaging.

Like Photoshop, Quark enables you to create, modify, and alter layers.

* QuarkXPress: Downloading, installing, and using.
* Visit quark.com for more information.

# Writing for the Web

This book is about creating graphics for the web. Before you start writing for the web, it would be useful to have a fair amount of experience using graphic design software like Photoshop and Illustrator (which you should already have) and a good working knowledge of web design and HTML.

It’s equally important to have a working knowledge of HTML and an understanding of how CSS works and how CSS cascading works. Also, you should be familiar with your web hosting software and the ability to edit text files.

## Web Design Fundamentals

If you’re already familiar with web design fundamentals and have some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, this is a great time to begin writing for the web. The

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Adobe Photoshop is often suggested to be used to edit graphics and images in a professional environment, but this is inaccurate for most users. However, Photoshop is the most popular graphics and image editing program and is in the center of graphic design. Photoshop is widely used in many creative fields, including web design. This makes it one of the most popular graphics software programs in use.

This article covers everything you need to know to edit your photos or create professional graphics and marketing images.

Adobe Photoshop: Basic User Interface

The Photoshop user interface is relatively simple.

You can choose an image from the right side of the screen, or open a new one from the File menu. Once you select an image, you can apply one of the tools available through the drop-down menu on the top left or right of your screen, and move, rotate and crop your image.

To save your work, choose File, Save. From the context-sensitive menu, choose Save As or Choose where to save the file. You can save the original file, as a new file, as an.icm file or as a.psd file.

Editor’s note: This is a great tutorial to learn Photoshop for beginners.

Adobe Photoshop Elements: Basic User Interface

Elements’ user interface is like Photoshop but lacks the vector tools and layers of Photoshop.

“Elements has a similar user interface to Photoshop. It’s like Photoshop with a more basic layout and less options.”

Elements’ buttons and menus are less complicated than Photoshop, but some functions are much harder to find.

You access the Program menu from the top right of the screen. Elements’ menu is similar to Photoshop’s but some elements are rearranged to suit Elements.

You can do some basic graphic editing by selecting a tool from the tools drop-down menu.

You save your work from Elements’ home screen by pressing the Save button at the bottom of your screen.

Photoshop : Essential Photoshop Tools

The majority of images you see every day are not created using a professional tool like Photoshop. If you have ever put together a drawing of your own using a black Sharpie on a piece of paper, you have edited a photograph or image. This is why it is important to be an expert when using a graphics editor like Photoshop.

Although Photoshop is known for its photo editing features, the editor has over 80 tools available, as does Elements

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The History Brush lets you recolor a photo by using the color in previous painted layers.
The Pen Tool is another way to select areas on the image without having to worry about selecting each individual pixel. It is useful for creating smooth and flowing drawings and line art.
Layer Masks are a way to apply special effects only to certain areas of an image.
The Gradient Tool lets you change the color, size or shape of a portion of the image.
The Spot Healing Brush can blur and sharpen areas on a photo in order to repair them.
The Sponge Tool lets you apply effects to a large area of the photo, rather than to individual pixels.
The Type Tool is another way to create text in Photoshop.
The Zoom Tool can be used to change the resolution of the image being displayed and to magnify it.
Now that we’ve covered some of the basic tools and how to use them, let’s move on to more advanced topics!

What is Selecting?

Selecting refers to the process of choosing an area of the image or artwork with a pen or mouse. Photoshop has several tools for this purpose, including the Quick Selection tool and the Magic Wand.

The Quick Selection tool lets you quickly select an area of the image, much like a paint brush. To use the Quick Selection tool, select it from the Toolbox and drag it over the desired area. The area you drag will turn green and the rest of the image will turn gray.

The Magic Wand tool can be used to select similar colors in the photo or image. Once the tool is selected, you can click where you want the selection to start and where it should end.

Both the Quick Selection tool and the Magic Wand tool are great for quickly selecting large areas of an image. However, they often don’t work very well for small areas.

What is Layer Masks?

Layer masks are used for selecting certain parts of an image without affecting the rest. In other words, layer masks will only affect areas that are selected. It can help to think of them as having a rubber stamp over an image. The rubber stamp covers only the areas that you want to select.

Layer masks are useful for letting you modify only certain areas of an image. For example, you could darken all the text on an image in order to make it stand out. Or you could change the color of an entire photo in order to give it a new look.

The layer

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Java regular expression

I have string like this:

String ss = “‘text’; function (){/*some code*/}'”;

So what I need is to get only “text” and “; ” between those double-quotes.
I tried this expression: /'[^’]*’/g, but I don’t know how to match ‘;’ string.


Strings that start and end with double quotes are simply delimited with double quotes.
No special characters are used to delimit a string.
You could use:
// match the begin and end double quotes
String s = “‘text’; function (){/*some code*/}'”;
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(“”([^”]*(?=(\\2)))””).matcher(s);
// extract the string part
String res = m.group(1);
// => ‘text’

The key point is to avoid the greedy pattern.


Cocoa: Expose/proxy an existing NSArray as NSDictionary

In my Cocoa application, I have an NSArray of objects. Let’s call it ‘content’.
I want to be able to return this array in a JSON-like string, as a dictionary. I am aware of [NSJSONSerialization toJSONObject:withOptions:] and I am also aware of this question: Generating JSON from NSArray.
However, my array has objects of different types. I just want to convert everything to a string. The easiest way to do that would be to simply add the objects to a dictionary, and write that dictionary to a file, JSON or otherwise.
This is easy using regular dictionaries, as one can write the array to a file and retrieve it later, using JSONObjectWithData.
My question is, is there an easy way to do this using an array of objects? In my mind, I am thinking a combination of…

Make a dictionary out of a property of my array.
Make a dictionary out of the elements of my array.


Make a wrapper object to do the

System Requirements For Lower Third Photoshop Template Download:

*Windows 7 (or higher), Windows 8, Windows 10 (64-bit version only).
*3.5 GHz CPU (or faster)
*3 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
*4 GB free disk space
*DirectX 11 graphics card
*Windows Live Essentials, Microsoft Office 2010 (or higher) and Microsoft Silverlight 10.
*Hardware keyboard and mouse
*High-speed internet connection.
*Internet Explorer 9 or higher.
*16 GB


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