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LS Magazine Ls Models Ls Land Issue Video Lsm Lsm09 08 02 Mega ((HOT))

LS Magazine Ls Models Ls Land Issue Video Lsm Lsm09 08 02 Mega ((HOT))

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LS Magazine Ls Models Ls Land Issue Video Lsm Lsm09 08 02 Mega

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Flex or Silverlight for a new project

I have been researching for the right technology to use for a new project and I have an idea of what I want to have and want to use for this.
The application will use the Google Earth Plugin.
The application will be web based. If possible the user must be able to open it up in two windows: one window on a browser and another window on the screen of their desktop.
From what I have read it sounds like Flex would work and is the best option. But another technology that has come up (from what I have read) that would be a better choice is Silverlight. (would the user have to download the plugin on their computer or is it an included part of the application).
My questions are:

Can Flex work on the Google Earth plugin?
Is the user able to plug in a second monitor to their computer if they want to see two windows? I noticed with Google Earth and SkyMap (which is one of the programs that has Flex/Silverlight) that you cannot plug in a second monitor to your computer.
Anyways that’s not my question, but is it better to use Flex or Silverlight for this application?

Thank you in advance for all the help.


Regarding your 1st question:
Yes, Flex will work with the GE plugin.

My 2nd question:
One host application, which you could further develop using Flex or another development technology can target several views (multi-window), in a multi-tab environment. You can have a look at this post for more information.
In this post, the author uses a Flex/Silverlight application which targets two views in a multi-tab environment (using TabContainer and TabNavigator). You can also have a look at the Flex examples section:


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