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Google is Now Adding More Languages to its Translations of Search Results

Google has said that it is now providing translations for search results in eight more languages. With this upgrade, publishers have the opportunity to reach a wider audience worldwide.

Enhanced Translation Capability

Google has made changes to its function that allows users to see search result titles and descriptions in their native tongue. Thanks to this modification, visitors searching in multiple languages may now access webpages published in one language. The whole web page will immediately translate when a user clicks on a translated result.

The Translated Results feature on Google

This function does not imply that translated pages are hosted by Google. Rather, accessing a website via a translated result is akin to using the in-browser translation capability of Chrome or Google Translate. This guarantees support for pictures, JavaScript, and other page components.

Advantages for Publishing

Publishers benefit from this change since it increases the number of individuals who may access their material, therefore expanding their potential audience.

Additional Languages Included

According to Google’s documentation, the translated results function is now supported in eight more languages, giving users who know these languages access to a greater variety of websites.

Arabic is a newly supported language.

  • Gujarati Korean
  • Thai-Persian
  • Urdu Turkish Vietnamese
  • Language Support Delay

Why Google takes so long to add widely used languages like Korean, Turkish, or Arabic is a mystery. International SEO specialist Christopher Shin claims that a number of variables, especially in the Korean market, led to the delay.

Christopher notes that Google has had difficulties in South Korea as a result of rivalry with regional search engines such as Naver and Kakao. When more South Koreans who had studied overseas came home and saw that Google was superior than local portals, the trend toward adopting Google started. Google’s significance increased as South Korean companies such as Samsung and Hyundai began to concentrate more on international markets.

In South Korea, Naver continues to be the most used search engine, albeit more for reviews and shopping rather than for targeted inquiries. Christopher thinks that the intricacy of the Korean language—which contains both Hangeul and Hanja, terms with Chinese origins—as well as commercial priorities had a role in the delay. Although his team utilized Google Translate, they discovered that Naver’s Papago was more efficient until the release of sophisticated tools like ChatGPT.

In summary

The 2024 Core Algorithm Update and AI Overviews made it difficult for publishers to submit content this year, but Google’s decision to expand translated search results is encouraging. Because publisher material is now accessible in more languages than previously, it may reach a wider audience.

Author Bio

Lisa Brown has worked in digital marketing and SEO writing for more than eight years. She has assisted a range of Pinellas Park, Florida businesses in achieving improved website traffic and search engine rankings. Lisa offers complete SEO services in Pinellas Park FL, including keyword research, analytics, and reporting. She has a strong desire to support companies as they expand and thrive online. Lisa likes to explore local nature trails and learn about the newest advancements in SEO in her leisure time.

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