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CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Crack [Updated] 2022









CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Crack (April-2022)

Versions: 1.07, 17-April-2001

The CQ 160 Meter Contest Log allows operators to log their CW contacts and their QSOs and
show the results in graphical form for immediate evaluation. With the right configuration
options (changing color of entries and multipliers, showing the complete log in a list
box), it’s a very powerful log tool.

Log Importance: Standard

Log Encoding: 4

Specify CCW to overwrite the caller’s callsign (do not type the “C” in a
caller’s call)

Specify ICC to switch the CCW to the new call (include the “C”)

Specify BC to add a decimal point to the call

Other Options:

Code for the color of entries

Make the log title words “CW” and “FREQ” instead of the current text.

Number of File Groups is there by default

Place the log in a folder on your hard drive

CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Requirements:

Log I/O:

Requires a 400 MHz FM radio. If you have one, CQ does not require any additional hardware to read the log file.

Graphical User Interface:

A simple graphical user interface is provided. This interface includes a summary entry
window which allows you to view a list of log entries, the contents of each log entry,
and a call tree to view entries for a group of contacts in a single step,
and is described further in the Windows help files.

A format and configuration window is used to specify the selection of the format for
each file created. All the files can be opened in CQ and the report sections can be
changed there as well.

Using the configuration window, you can specify the order for the entries listed in the
log, the type of multipliers to include in the log, the type of output you want displayed,
and the type of file to include.

The log selection window uses a simple interface for you to decide which type of log file
to create and its relative importance. You can create the log in separate sections so
that you can have multiple logs to store your contacts and QSOs. Each log file can have
its own configuration file and format and be included in a folder group.

You can also choose to include calls in the log which are not at a CQ

CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Crack

The CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Download With Full Crack provides many features to assist the user:
Duplicate contacts are checked for, with only the first contact written to each file.
Formatted contact data and statistics are written to the log file after every contact, before the contacts are written to a separate file.
A set of log files may be named to represent an interesting talkgroup, making it much easier to locate the appropriate log file and the corresponding contact file.
Statistics are written to the log file every time a new contact is entered, and a graph is written to the log file when the number of contacts is at least 100.
If a contact is successfully identified as a duplicate, a message is sent to the log file showing the contact, and the hash key is written to the log file for the duplicate entry.
The log file format is as follows:

0900A 0085640 A KKK AA AA A AA AA AA
0900B 0086240 AA AA AA AA A A AA AA
0900C 0083640 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0900D 0081640 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0900E 0080240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0900F 0079240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09010 0078240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09011 0077240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09012 0076240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09013 0075240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09014 0074240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09015 0073240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09016 0072240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09017 0071240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09018 0070240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
09019 0069240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901A 0068240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901B 0067240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901C 0066240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901D 0065240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901E 0064240 AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
0901F 0063240 AA

CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log Crack With Keygen For PC

The CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log keeps track of contacts and multipliers during the
contest. Use the graphical user interface (GUI), or the menu, to perform most of the
following functions. The available features are described in detail in the
The CQ 160 Meter Contest Log utilizes the same software as the CQ Callsign Log, with a few exceptions. The contacts and multipliers that are included in the CQ 160 Meter Contest Log are different from those in the CQ Callsign Log. For example, primary stations and QSK contacts are not included in the CQ 160 Meter Contest Log.
The CQ 160 Meter Contest Log was designed for use with CW in the 160 meter band. It is not designed to work on digital modes.
SWLing the CQ 160 Meter Contest Log:
While logging data, you may want to listen on selected meters. One way to listen is
to use meter plugs. To use meter plugs in the CQ 160 Meter Contest Log, after logging, click
the “View Meters” icon at the top right of the CQ 160 Meter Contest Log (see the
documentation for more information). To use meter plugs in any CQ Contest Log, see the documentation for
the CQ Callsign Log.
Switching to the graphical user interface (GUI):
To select the icon for the CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log GUI, click on the Edit icon at
the top of the screen.
To perform most functions in the CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log GUI, such as changing the
current logging frequency and changing the logging type, click on the icon with the
circle (circle icon). The circle icon appears in the following situations:
▪ Your first logging attempt.
▪ When you click on the “Frequency” or “Type” dialog box (information about these
dialogs is also included in the documentation).
▪ When you click on the “Close” button of a dialog box (information about closing
dialog boxes is also included in the documentation).
▪ When you close the CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log by clicking on the CQ WW 160 Meter
Contest Log logo in the upper right corner of the screen.
To shut down the program, click on the “Exit” icon (the red circle with a slash
through it).
To start a new logging session, click

What’s New in the CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log?

An entirely Ad-Hoc program designed to collect and analyze the CW contest
logs from the World Contest. It is different from the CQ WW Contest Log
in that it checks for duplicates (including partials), lists multipliers (which change color or are added to a list box when they have been worked), lists all contacts, writes Cabrillo format summary files, and provides many current statistics.
Unlike other CQ WW Contest Log tools, which are restricted to
the 40 meter bands, this one also works on the 160 meter contest as
well as on 40 meters.
The primary target is to expand the CQ WW Contest Log
by adding tools and features. I will use the X-Frog C-Program Keyboard,
a ½ HP 8030/35MHz Pentium PC and the C-Program In-Depth Contest Log V1.0 to
create tools for the contest log.
Using other tools may be used to fill in functionality,
but will not appear in the current version of the program.
The program is an executable archive with the
right to run setup.exe. The application will install to the local hard drive,
C:\Program Files\CW Chat 5.0\CQWW Contest Log. The default path is
appropriate for Windows NT/2k/XP.
Run CW Contest Log. If the desktop appears blank, a
relaunch will activate the tool.
Compile the program:
(new in 1.1)
The source code is provided for your convenience. There are two ways to compile
the program; it can be compiled from scratch (compiling is not required) or
the source code can be linked to the program already installed.
If you wish to compile the program (requires the C-program source code):
1) Unzip the source code. It is a zip archive containing the source code,
libraries and binaries.
2) If you have not already, go to the program and select “Tools -> Make”. The make
process will compile the program.
3) Make sure the CW Chat 5.0 is the selected Active Editor. If it is not the
default, check “Tools -> Select Active Editor…”
4) Go back to CW Contest Log, click “Compile” and wait for the make process to
If you have the source code already installed:
1) Unzip the source code. It is a zip archive

System Requirements For CQ WW 160 Meter Contest Log:

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.66 GHz or better
Memory: 4GB of RAM
Processor: Intel Core i5-4590 or better
While not absolutely required, we do highly recommend you use either a wired or wireless mouse. If you prefer a mouse with a touchpad,


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