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AutoNumLock Keygen Free Download







AutoNumLock Crack (LifeTime) Activation Code Download For Windows 2022

Automates the Num Lock on/off state based on the programs selected.
The list is dynamically filled by pressing the Num Lock key when using a program.
The first list of applications is implemented. If the list is empty and NumLock is on, the Num Lock key will be turned off.
New lists can be added, changed, or removed by pressing the Num Lock key while using one of the programs listed.
Pressing Num Lock when only one program is selected will turn Num Lock off.
The list of programs that activates when Num Lock is pressed has been changed to work when the Num Lock key is on.

The list of programs is called [list AppManName].

[list AppManName] will only be used when Num Lock is on when the program is being closed/stopped.
It is not used if Num Lock is off and the program is started (or if Num Lock is turned off when the program is being started).
To create a list of all the programs that are currently using Num Lock, press Num Lock until the list is on.
To create a list of all the programs that don’t use Num Lock, press Num Lock until the list is off.
To delete a list (making it empty) from the Active list, press Num Lock until the list is off.

AutoNumLock Cracked Version Example:
ControlLock ^= 0;
if (ControlLock == 0) {
// Num Lock is off
} else {
// Num Lock is on
ListNumber = ListNumLockListCount;
if (ListNumber > 0) {
// Take action when Num Lock is pressed
ListNumLockList[ListNumber – 1] = 0;

AutoNumLock With Full Keygen Free Download

How to use AutoNumLock 2022 Crack:
This script allows you to set the NumLock key by entering a custom state.
There are three possible states that can be used: Off, On, and Sticky.
Off: The NumLock key will be turned off.
On: The NumLock key will be turned on.
Sticky: Sticky mode is a mode that is used when you don’t want the NumLock key to be turned off for a given set of applications.
Make sure you have NumLock on your keyboard.
Enter the state of NumLock you would like to use for your applications:
Simply enter the name of the state (Off, On or Sticky) followed by the desired NumLock state for that application (On, Off or Sticky).
If you want to use the NumLock key On for all applications that are open, enter “On” and “On” as the key states.
If you want the NumLock key to be sticky when you are using Thunderbird, use “Sticky” and “On” as the key states.
AutoNumLock Serial Key [on|off|sticky] “On”|”Off”|”Sticky”
AutoNumLock Example:
1. AutoNumLock Off
2. AutoNumLock off
3. AutoNumLock Off
4. AutoNumLock “On”
5. AutoNumLock On
6. AutoNumLock Sticky
7. AutoNumLock Sticky
8. AutoNumLock “Sticky”
9. AutoNumLock Sticky
Note: This command is designed to work with the [KeyNav] addon and the NumLock key must be supported.
Known Bugs:
No known bugs that I can think of.
This script was developed by AltSmash.
He has released the code, as are all of his scripts, under GPLv3.
You can download the script and all of his scripts at
You can learn more about AltSmash from this post on the General Discourse:


Turns on Num Lock while the current program is minimized or when you start any program
Turns off Num Lock when minimized, or once the previous program exits.

The key combination to switch between states are: Ctrl-L

Example: if your current window is Fiddler, you’d use Ctrl-L Fiddler

What’s in the package

The AutoNumLock package consists of one script

and one working key combination Ctrl-L Fiddler

The AutoNumLock.vbs script contains (as you may see):


Option Explicit
Function ToggleNumLock()
Dim sw
Set sw = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
For Each process In CreateObject(“Shell.Application”).Windows
sw.AppActivate process.FullName
Set win = window.FromObject(sw.Windows(process.Caption))
Toggle = Not win.WindowState
End Function
Sub ToggleNumLock()
Dim win
Set win = window.FromObject(Application.TopWindow)
If win.WindowState = vbMinimized Then
win.WindowState = vbNormal
End If
End Sub


The key combination for turning on/off NumLock is Ctrl-L and it cannot be passed as an argument.

Installation instructions

To install AutoNumLock you must have the following installed:





Click the link below to download the zip and extract to your user profile folder.

From the scripts folder, run AutoNumLock.vbs

Here are some steps for using this script

Open the active program.

Use Ctrl-L Fiddler

Exit to desktop, close, then open Fiddler again.

Hopefully when you exit to desktop (to save Fiddler state) it will be set to Normal (on) and you can use the script to turn it off.

This also works for any program with the following properties:

On minimize, turn off NumLock

If you exit and re-open the program, it will be set to Normal (on).

When you minimize or open any program, it’s NumLock will be turned off.

If you re-open the program, the NumLock will be set to Normal (on).

What’s New in the?

When “on”, NumLock status is set with the value of NumLockOn (0) as per your choice in the Options dialog.

When “off”, NumLock status is set to Off (0).

AutoNumLock allows you to turn the NumLock key on or off, at a time of your choosing, depending on which program is being opened.
You can make use of the options dialog to choose whether you want the NumLock key to be on or off when Excel, Word or PowerPoint is the last active program.
This is particularly useful when you share your computer with someone else as, instead of making them turn off their NumLock, you can choose whether it is turned on or off for them.
You can also use AutoNumLock to automatically turn the NumLock key on or off depending on whether a program is opened or closed.
And you can turn NumLock off in the Program Compatibility Settings for NumpadOnOff.
As an example, if you have the following in your AutoNumLock list file:

@[Alt] =
@[NumLock] = On@[Alt]

Then AutoNumLock would turn NumLock on when you are in Excel, Word or PowerPoint, and would turn NumLock off when you are in Internet Explorer.
Sample auto-configuration file for AutoNumLock:

@[AutoNumLock] =
@[AutoNumpadOnOff] =
@[Alt] =
@[Chr(0)] = Off
@[Chr(1)] = On
@[Chr(2)] = On
@[Chr(3)] = Off
@[Chr(4)] = On
@[Chr(5)] = Off
@[Chr(6)] = Off
@[Chr(7)] = Off
@[Chr(8)] = On
@[Chr(9)] = On

System Requirements For AutoNumLock:

OS: Windows XP SP3 (SP2 with Service Pack 2), Vista, 7
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 1.8 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 20 GB
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 4770 X2 with 1 GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c (requires Windows Vista and later)
Additional Notes: The game is optimized for DirectX 9.0c and Microsoft’s Xbox 360™ development tools. The game requires two CPU cores, 3 GB

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