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Highlights of AutoCAD 2018

Versions of AutoCAD are currently available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Android mobile devices. Autodesk has also created AutoCAD 360 for its cloud-based subscription service, AutoCAD 365, for which CAD users can use AutoCAD on up to five connected devices simultaneously.

The upcoming release of AutoCAD 2018 includes several major new features including:

The ability to add sections and components to editable objects via the Drafting & Annotation panel, rather than having to save the drawing to a separate image first. The new ability to create new drawing objects, including baselines, grids, and other utilities, and create and edit paths for annotating 2D drawings. The ability to add and manipulate 2D and 3D objects to drawings.

Currently released features in the 2018 release include:

The ability to publish to the web directly from AutoCAD. The ability to plot high-precision coordinates by using the ftype and mtype commands. The ability to create and edit 2D and 3D objects directly in AutoCAD. The ability to annotate an object, as well as plot annotations directly. The ability to add text objects in AutoCAD and plot their coordinates. New task-based interface for faster access to commonly used commands and tools. The ability to edit and annotate with tools like shape tools, symbols, and layers. The ability to create and edit typefaces. The ability to define multiple block layouts (incremental revisions) to speed the process of creating and editing blocks. The ability to import and export entire drawings to and from AutoCAD. The ability to create and edit AutoCAD drawings through the web.

Key AutoCAD features

While the main focus of AutoCAD is the design and editing of 2D and 3D drawings, the software includes a variety of additional features, including:

2D drawing tools: The ability to plot 2D objects, such as lines and arcs, and measure lengths and angles. The ability to create and edit paths to create and edit 2D shapes. The ability to draw 3D objects, including solids, and add 3D objects, and to plot them.

The ability to plot 2D objects, such as lines and arcs, and measure lengths and angles. The ability to create and edit paths to create and edit 2D shapes. The ability to draw 3D objects, including sol

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Controllers The user can enter commands using a special keypad available on the upper right of the screen and “mouse” input that can also be used to navigate the screen. The system accepts up to eight active commands at once, with a limit of four open command windows. These commands are listed in the Command window in the default layout. When a command is executed, the active command changes to the command previously executing the command. For example, if the command “IsIn” were active, “Current” would become active and execute the command. The keyboard or mouse may be used to navigate the active command.
Data view and property windows The main data windows are: AutoCAD Properties Property window
Controllers list Window with the list of active commands
AutoCAD data windows AutoCAD data window
Navigate views Navigate, view, and symbol windows
AutoCAD Palettes Main palette
CIR access for the previous host color
Export and Import Files File export and import function

System requirements
Available on all 32-bit versions of AutoCAD 2000-2013
Available on 64-bit versions of AutoCAD 2010
Windows 7, 8 or 10
A computer with at least 4GB of RAM. AutoCAD is recommended to have a minimum of 6GB, and AutoCAD Professional should have 8GB.

AutoCAD Feature Descriptions

AutoCAD Feature Descriptions

AutoCAD Graphic Accessibility features
AutoCAD Graphic Accessibility is a set of Autodesk Accessibility products for AutoCAD and other products, including Autodesk Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD LT, and MicroStation, which are designed to enable people with disabilities to use these products more easily.

AutoCAD Annotation features
AutoCAD Annotation refers to Autodesk’s annotation-style editing for annotations, including annotations and tracking tools. Annotation tools are the best alternative to standard annotation tools offered in other CAD programs.

AutoCAD Extensions features
AutoCAD extensions add new functionality to a 3D model and are developed by Autodesk and third parties. An extension has the ability to interact with 3D features in the 3D model. Autodesk’s list of extensions is called the Autodesk Exchange.

AutoCAD Filters features

AutoCAD Multiuser features

AutoCAD Multiuser features are optional communication and collaboration features in AutoCAD. Autodesk designed these features

AutoCAD Free License Key For Windows

Press on the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
In the Preferences window:

select General tab.

Click on the “Record a new license key” checkbox.

Press OK to exit the dialog box.

This is not a widely used method. It is mainly for manual processes where you are the one who use the keygen.

Create a bat file and put the following code in it:
%%USERPROFILE%%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Fusion360.exe /Reg /Op

Press ENTER and enter Fusion360.exe in the Find: and type in the field “Reg” as shown below.

Enter Fusion360.exe as Program to be executed
Enter the path of your trial version of Autodesk and press ENTER.
Press yes and the key will be generated.


The app
The.REG file is no good, it’s written for Windows 7 and Windows 8 which both have the right version of Fusion 360.
That’s why I went with the /command “Reg” option:
Here’s how you do it from an elevated command prompt (cmd) window.
First, change directory to the path of your trial version of Autodesk, and run the app:
cd D:\Programme\Autodesk\Fusion360\

Then, from an elevated command prompt, start the reg file:
D:\Programme\Autodesk\Fusion360\Fusion360.exe /Reg


A more user friendly method, even if I do not know it exists :

Launch fusion 360
Select Options
Go to the “Reg” tab
The “Record a new license key” button is already selected

Press the button
a window pops up with the generated key
Enter it, and be sure to check the box “Add this as a permanent key”
press ok, you have just added a permanent key to your account!

PS: I do not know if it will work on your trial version.
In all cases you can modify your settings at anytime by selecting Options > General > Edit License








What’s New in the?

Speed up your workflow by “marking up” changes in a drawing with customizable feedback and automatically reincorporate the changes into your design.

Guided Design:

Keep your design on track by providing informative guidance. Your design will always be at the correct angle, reference a correct point of origin, and zoom to the correct level.

User-definable guides enable a completely different type of guidance, with no hard-coded features.

The scalable, adjustable guides feature will allow you to change the scale of your reference image based on any changes in viewport size. The guides will automatically adjust to the new size.

Progressive Zoom:

Get the same zoom-to-fit experience regardless of the size of the drawing.

A simple two-click method moves the user to the correct viewport, and enables the zooming feature.

The default ratio is proportionally, and scales the image automatically. You can set a different ratio for each viewport.

Proportionally scale the image while you zoom.

The pixel-perfect user-defined scaling enables zoom to any size with absolutely no distortion.

Viewport 2.0:

Change your view by easily navigating through multiple views without switching modes.

You can view and work in:

Any standard views in AutoCAD.

Use any of the standard views as your viewport (like rotation, scale, etc.), regardless of the viewport used for the drawing.

Don’t be limited to the viewport “snap to” feature. You can easily navigate between viewports using the toolbars, or by selecting any of the viewports in the center of the drawing area.

You can also zoom to any view by clicking in the drawing area.

The Zoom tool becomes your new viewport tool.

Make basic edits in any view without having to exit the viewport and enter Edit mode.

When you exit the viewport, the user is returned to the original view.


Control how objects are scaled, and get the best results from measurements in AutoCAD.

Using the Auto-stretch feature allows the user to automatically stretch or shrink an object to the right size for the scale and viewport used. The Auto-stretch option is


System Requirements:

Supported Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (or Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview)
Windows 10 64-bit (or Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview) 64-bit CPU (2.10 GHz recommended)
4 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 1060
NVIDIA GTX 1060 Available Resolution: 4K
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