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Correcting image magnification

If you’re going to use a wide-angle lens to shoot a subject that’s not far away, you need to be aware that the image will be dramatically magnified. Think about it: If you’re shooting something very close at hand, the camera is probably about the size of your eyeball. (See the sidebar “Levels of magnification.”)

If you want to use your camera’s wide-angle lens to capture something really close up, you need to shoot at the widest setting, and then zoom in to create a big, distorted picture. (See the section “Digital zoom vs. real zoom” later in this chapter.)

To correct image magnification, follow these steps:

1. **Make sure that your camera has a zoom control marked on the lens. (Expert photographers may see a setting for Image Zoom, Image Size, or Image Zooming.) Press the zoom lever up or down to select the level of magnification.**

The View Camera Settings dialog box appears.

2. **Select Correct Zoom from the Image Quality menu and then press Set.**

The image’s view appears correct. Note that a red X appears on the right of the lens to mark the location of the zoom control. Your camera zooms in or out, depending on what setting you selected.

Figure 13-4 gives you a zoomed-in view of the layers

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Photoshop Elements is free software and comes in a standard version and a student version.

This tutorial was written for CS6 users but many of the features can be applied for future versions of Photoshop.

Photoshop CS6: Filters

Filters work like the lens of a camera. They transform the light and color values of a picture. Photoshop elements has three filters which work independently and are also an integral part of the program.


The Highlight filter can be applied over an existing image and it highlights areas that are different from the rest of the image. It also emphasizes small details in the image that can be useful when you want to find something in an image. It is a great tool for finding things in an image.

The Highlight filter can be applied over an existing image and it highlights areas that are different from the rest of the image. It also emphasizes small details in the image that can be useful when you want to find something in an image. It is a great tool for finding things in an image.

Sharpening can be the most helpful filter for photographers. When the Sharpening filter is applied to a picture it sharpens the image, bringing out details which were too small to notice before applying the filter. The Sharpening filter works in the same way on images as on photos taken with a digital camera.


The Blur filter blurs the image. It can give a blurry effect to an image or it can create a small blurred circle around the subject.

The Blur filter blurs the image. It can give a blurry effect to an image or it can create a small blurred circle around the subject.

Unsharp Mask

The Unsharp Mask filter is an excellent tool for retouching photos. When you apply this filter to an image it will bring out details in the sharpened parts of the image. This can be really useful to increase the visibility of an image’s details, especially in a photo taken under harsh lighting conditions.

The Unsharp Mask filter is an excellent tool for retouching photos. When you apply this filter to an image it will bring out details in the sharpened parts of the image. This can be really useful to increase the visibility of an image’s details, especially in a photo taken under harsh lighting conditions.


As with the Sharpening filter the Sharpen filter can help you make an image more visible

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Proper way of using USB driver

The question is simple, as in what is the correct way to use an USB driver?
For example:
We have the USB device on the computer and we have the driver program in the computer, I know if I run the driver, it will unpack the driver and put the user32.dll file in the global location.
But what if I want to use this driver for another computer?
How should I import the driver in the other computers?


If you want to use the driver on multiple computers, you need a single driver file that is capable of running on multiple computers. On each host computer you’ll need to unpack and add the DLL to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), restarting the computer each time as part of that process (and on each reboot of the computer). Then you load the driver from the GAC and call the appropriate functions. Assuming that the DLL is to be used on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems, the instructions for doing this are here:

In solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), materials (typically ceramics) are used that have a perovskite crystal structure. This is a crystalline structure with a cubic periodic arrangement of oxygen atoms and is designated as the ABO.sub.3 (AEA) structural type. Fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy using a process wherein oxygen ions are oxidized at the cathode. The anode produces electricity and the cathode is catalytic and consumed during fuel cell operation. One of the most common fuel used is hydrogen gas (H.sub.2) which is compressed and fed through a fuel cell for use as electricity at a desired voltage. A typical diagram of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is shown in FIG. 1.
The SOFC structure supports a material suitable for use in an electrochemical cell which is known as a solid electrolyte. The solid electrolyte, also known as the electrolyte or membrane, has a high dielectric constant and low electronic conductivity. These properties are properties of oxide materials such as the oxides of scandium and yttrium, strontium, barium, zirconium, etc. These materials are usually ceramic or are made in

What’s New in the?

La medida ofrece una alternativa a la inmigración (prohibida por el decreto represivo de 2002 y revocada por el decreto de 2013), para los jóvenes que quieran cobrar sus estudios.

El gobierno nacional anunció la creación de la “Migración Argentina” (Migra), un servicio oficial que ofrecerá algunas posibilidades de acceso de los jóvenes nativos a la educación superior sin tener que realizar el ingreso en una universidad por vía de la inmigración, y que ya habría quedado finalizado para fines de este mes.

La idea surgió de una discusión nacional sobre la política migratoria del Gobierno nacional, entre 2016 y 2017, en particular en lo que se refiere al uso de la clausula migratoria para otorgar el ingreso a los jóvenes, y la posibilidad de que sean incorporados a la comunidad educativa.

El programa de Migra debe vincular al Estado con la educación superior y a los jóvenes para que puedan acceder a los estudios de base, desde las escuelas de primer año hasta las de grado.

“Hemos planteado una alternativa al ingreso de inmigrantes, que supondrá que, en un periodo de tiempo, en conjunto con los jóvenes que trabajen, pero también para los estudiantes de posgrado, cada uno va a poder ingresar a la educación superior sin tener que realizar el ingreso por el ingreso”, explicó Francisco Pasqualini, secretario de Políticas Universitarias de la cartera federal de Educación, en una entrevista con Infobae.

El funcionario del área de Educación se refería al Decreto Presidencial de 2013 de creaci

System Requirements For Adobe Photoshop EXpress:

• Supported OS: Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP
• Processor: Intel Pentium II or equivalent
• Memory: 256MB
• Display: 16:9 Ratio, 800 x 600
• Hard Disk: 3 GB
• Resolution: 1024 x 768
• Sound Card: Compatible DirectX sound card
• DirectX: Version 9.0c
• Network: Broadband Internet connection
• Storage: 4 GB available space
• Keyboard: ANSI / ISO compatible
• Mouse: Optical


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