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Adderall XR: Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, Precautions

Liver or kidney impairment can make a drug stick around in your system for much longer than expected. Instead, hair drug tests remove a 1.5-inch section of hair closest to the scalp. This amount of hair can show if there was any how long do amphetamines stay in your system drug use in the past 90 days. For this type of detection, users will need to urinate into a sample container. Health care workers then analyze the urine through a testing process to determine if amphetamines are within it.

how long do amphetamines stay in your system

In people who have a substance use disorder, routine testing for amphetamines is sometimes done to ensure a person remains sober. Amphetamines activate nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to increase mental focus, alertness and concentration. Contrary to the short-lived effects of cocaine, which affect the body in a nearly identical way, the effects of amphetamines can last for hours after intake. Additionally, mixing amphetamines with alcohol and other drugs magnifies the effects. A positive amphetamine test generally means that the individual used the drug in the last one to four days.

What to Know About Adderall XR

Other factors play a role in accuracy, too, such as if a person uses chemical treatments on their hair, the growth rate of hair and a person’s overall hair hygiene. While half-life estimates can give an overview of how long a drug stays in your system, many factors affect the specific time. Your metabolism plays a significant role in how long Dexedrine stays in your system.

For example, if your BAC is at the legal limit of 0.08% and the burnoff rate is 0.015 per hour, it would take four hours to reach the saliva detection threshold of 0.02%. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. Depending on the length of hair, amphetamines can be detected for up to 90 days after ingestion.

Amphetamine Addiction Treatment Levels of Care

Doctors prescribe amphetamines for conditions such as ADHD, obesity, narcolepsy, and depression. Misusing amphetamines, or taking them in a different way than a doctor prescribes, can lead to amphetamine addiction. If you are taking cough suppressants, antihistamines, antibiotics or other OTC or prescription medications, be sure to report these to drug testing staff. Positive test results for amphetamines can occur and you should be clear about what you are taking.

This helps people with ADHD to stop seeking stimulation that, in turn, helps them focus better. Adderall is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, then metabolized by the liver and flushed out by the kidneys. If any of these organs or systems is not functioning properly, it can take longer for Adderall to leave your body. Adderall is a medication for ADHD and neither a performance-enhancing drug nor a safe way to get high. The researchers found that in neurotypical college students, Adderall did not improve performance. In children, Adderall may slow growth, affecting their height and weight.

Who Should Not Take Adderall XR?

They are most often used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. How long they last inside the body depends on several factors, including age, weight, dosage and more. These drugs increase the body’s normal functions and the speed at which the brain sends and receives messages.

Gender can also play a role, as male bodies can process substances like alcohol more quickly than female ones. Lastly, ethnicity can also influence how long a drug stays in your system, as some genetic traits are more common in certain ethnic populations. Ethnic differences in genes for the enzymes that help the body break down substances can mean that substances may last longer in the bodies of people from one ethnicity versus another.

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