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Google Alert: Quick Content Growth Requires Reevaluation

John Mueller of Google has issued a warning: A substantial increase in website content may result in the site being reevaluated and handled as if it were brand-new.

The Impact of Growing a Website

John Mueller answered a question about tenfold website scaling. His reaction should cause hesitation in anybody planning such an expansion since it will force Google to reevaluate and treat the site as a new entity.

Effects of Site Expansion

A more extensive website often results from website migrations, such as merging two sites into one. A significant number of new items added contributes to the substantial expansion.

On the SEO Office Hours podcast, the following question was posed:

If we considerably extend our product portfolio—for example, from 10,000 to 100,000 products—what effect would this have on SEO performance?

The issue concerns the ten-fold sizing of a website

Mueller answered as follows:

You don’t need to search for intricate explanations. Your website will seem quite different if it is greatly expanded—in this example, by a factor of 10. Just 10% of the new site would be based on the old one. It makes sense that search engines will review how they present your website. It becomes a brand-new website.

It’s crucial to approach such adjustments strategically rather than just as an SEO problem.

Google’s Reevaluation Procedure

  • Mueller said it’s not primarily an SEO issue, but many SEOs would disagree since anything that affects how a site appears in search results is an SEO issue. Mueller may have intended for it to be seen as a strategic issue.
  • However, Mueller’s response implies that Google may reevaluate a site that proliferates as a new site, which may not be desired.
  • Mueller did not say how long a reevaluation would take, although he said it may take months. He indicated four years ago the potential duration of a site-wide evaluation:
  • We need a lot of time to figure out how a website fits into the larger Internet ecosystem.
  • It may take several months, six months, or even more to see significant improvements in the website’s general quality.
  • The wisest course of action is to add material gradually, according to a site-wide review brought about by the fast rise of information. This is something to think about.

Author Bio

Experienced SEO writer Mark Thompson has a talent for simplifying complex subjects into text that is simple to read. Mark has more than 15 years of experience in the field and has assisted several companies in raising their online presence and search engine rankings. After earning a communications degree from the University of Central Florida, he immediately discovered his passion for SEO. Local SEO is Mark’s area of expertise, and he particularly enjoys working with companies in Dunedin, Florida. He feels that by bringing in more customers and boosting sales, the best SEO services in Dunedin FL, may significantly affect nearby companies. Mark likes to go to local art festivals and kayak in the Gulf of Mexico when he’s not working. He is in high demand as an SEO writer because of his devotion to helping companies grow and his passion for his trade. Mark uses a method that includes careful keyword research, clever content creation, and quantitative outcomes.

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