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What Is a Continuous Delivery Maturity Model CDMM?

continuous delivery implementation
intermediate level

In this category we want to show the importance of handling this information correctly when adopting Continuous Delivery. Information must e.g. be concise, relevant and accessible at the right time to the right persons in order to obtain the full speed and flexibility possible with Continuous Delivery. Apart from information directly used to fulfill business requirements by developing and releasing features, it is also important to have access to information needed to measure the process itself and continuously improve it. Beginner level introduces frequent polling builds for faster feedback and build artifacts are archived for easier dependency management. Tagging and versioning of builds is structured but manual and the deployment process is gradually beginning to be more standardized with documentation, scripts and tools. This is why we created the Continuous Delivery Maturity Model, to give structure and understanding to the implementation of Continuous Delivery and its core components.

With this model we aim to be broader, to extend the concept beyond automation and spotlight all the key aspects you need to consider for a successful Continuous Delivery implementation across the entire organization. CI/CD relies on automation to speed the processes of development, deployment, and testing. Automation can also support security as part of a DevSecOps strategy. The “CD” in CI/CD can refer to continuous deployment or continuous delivery, which describe ways to automate further stages of the pipeline. Continuous delivery is a software development practice that uses automation to speed the release of new code.


Proper multi-cluster management and governance ensure consistent, secure operations across all environments. In this Refcard, we further explore Kubernetes multi-cluster management and governance, why it’s important, and core practices for success. At this stage in the model, the participants might be in a DevOps team, or simply developers and IT operations collaborating on a joint project. The Maturity Model Gap Analysis Tool is applicable to many discipline, not only Continuous Delivery. The application is built to be fully configurable and easily adaptable, by modifying the data file (js/data/data_radar.js).

Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

Tobias Palmborg, Believes that Continuous Delivery describes the vision that scrum, XP and the agile manifesto once set out to be. Continuous Delivery is not just about automating the release pipeline but how to get your whole change flow, from grain to bread ,in a state of the art shape. Former Head of Development at one of europes largest online gaming company. Tobias is currently implementing Continuous Delivery projects at several customers.

  • In a basic pipeline the build should be automatically deployed to the test environment.
  • You make sure that the new model produces better performance than the current model before promoting it to production.
  • App Engine Serverless application platform for apps and back ends.
  • Virtual Desktops Remote work solutions for desktops and applications (VDI & DaaS).

To address the challenges of this manual process, MLOps practices for CI/CD and CT are helpful. By deploying an ML training pipeline, you can enable CT, and you can set up a CI/CD system to rapidly test, build, and deploy new implementations of the ML pipeline. These features are discussed in more detail in the next sections. Eric Minick discusses continuous delivery challenges in the enterprise where large projects, distributed teams or strict governance requirements have resulted in increased automation efforts throughout the life cycle. Codefresh is the most trusted GitOps platform for cloud-native apps. It’s built on Argo for declarative continuous delivery, making modern software delivery possible at enterprise scale.

Rapid Development

Apigee API Management API management, development, and security platform. AlloyDB for PostgreSQL Fully managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database for demanding enterprise workloads. Looker Platform for BI, data applications, and embedded analytics. Container Security Container environment security for each stage of the life cycle.

Testing prediction service performance, which involves load testing the service to capture metrics such asqueries per seconds and model latency. However, you need to try new ML ideas and rapidly deploy new implementations of the ML components. If you manage many ML pipelines in production, you need a CI/CD setup to automate the build, test, and deployment of ML pipelines. The pointers to the artifacts produced by each step of the pipeline, such as the location of prepared data, validation anomalies, computed statistics, and extracted vocabulary from the categorical features. Tracking these intermediate outputs helps you resume the pipeline from the most recent step if the pipeline stopped due to a failed step, without having to re-execute the steps that have already completed. For online prediction, the prediction service can fetch in a batch of the feature values related to the requested entity, such as customer demographic features, product features, and current session aggregation features.

  • With a mature component based architecture, where every component is a self-contained releasable unit with business value, you can achieve small and frequent releases and extremely short release cycles.
  • Rather, it means deploying an ML pipeline that can automate the retraining and deployment of new models.
  • The continuous delivery maturity model lays out the five increasingly intense — and capable — levels of the process.
  • At a more advanced level successful deployments are also automated in a acceptance and production environment.

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Five levels

For more information, seeWhy Machine Learning Models Crash and Burn in Production. At this advanced level, teams also tackle harder deployment problems, such as multi-tier applications in which several components must deploy together, but are on different release cycles. These composite applications also include more sophisticated components, notably databases, that are complicated to deploy and test. To maintain a consistent release train, the team must automate test suites that verify software quality and use parallel deployment environments for software versions. Automation brings the CI/CD approach to unit tests, typically during the development stage and integration stage when all modules are brought together.

A technology survival guide for resilience – McKinsey

A technology survival guide for resilience.

Posted: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT [source]

With continuous integration, new code changes to an app are regularly built, tested, and merged into a shared repository. It’s a solution to the problem of having too many branches of an app in development at once that might conflict with each other. Semi-automated deployment to a pre-production environment, for example, a deployment that is triggered by merging code to the main branch after reviewers approve the changes. Making sure that you test your model for deployment, including infrastructure compatibility and consistency with the prediction service API.

Similar to Continuous Delivery Maturity Model (

We specifically omit certain items such as microservices since you can achieve CD without using microservices. The Codefresh platform is a complete software supply chain to build, test, deliver, and manage software with integrations so teams can pick best-of-breed tools to support that supply chain. This category focuses on the collection and reporting of data and metrics related to the software development process. It includes capabilities such as real-time monitoring, telemetry, and analytics. The CDMM can be used to identify areas for improvement and guide an organization’s efforts to implement continuous delivery practices.

The Continuous Delivery Maturity Model – InfoQ.com

The Continuous Delivery Maturity Model.

Posted: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 08:00:00 GMT [source]

To summarize, implementing ML in a continuous delivery maturity model environment doesn’t only mean deploying your model as an API for prediction. Rather, it means deploying an ML pipeline that can automate the retraining and deployment of new models. Setting up a CI/CD system enables you to automatically test and deploy new pipeline implementations. This system lets you cope with rapid changes in your data and business environment.

Boström, Palmborg and Rehn Continuous Delivery Maturity Model

The continuous delivery maturity model lays out the five increasingly intense — and capable — levels of the process. While they can serve as a starting point, they should not be considered as essential models to adopt and follow. Each organization should develop a CDMM that suits its unique requirements. At the base stage in the maturity model a development team or organization will typically practice unit-testing and have one or more dedicated test environments separate from local development machines. This system and integration level testing is typically done by a separate department that conducts long and cumbersome test periods after development “code freeze”.


https://forexhero.info/ deploying to the production server using a pipeline. Automatically deploying to a test server after a successful build. Automatically testing newly developed features to avoid tedious work. Level-up on emerging software trends and get the assurance you’re adopting the right patterns and practices.

Your Red Hat account gives you access to your member profile, preferences, and other services depending on your customer status. How your organization can move to a higher level of GitOps and what it would look like when you get there. Testing that your model training doesn’t produceNaN values due to dividing by zero or manipulating small or large values. The following diagram shows the implementation of the ML pipeline using CI/CD, which has the characteristics of the automated ML pipelines setup plus the automated CI/CD routines. The following figure is a schematic representation of an automated ML pipeline for CT.

maturity model gap

The goal of this guide is to first and foremost highlight the practices required for CD. The tools simply help with the adoption of the practice; the simple rule being that we should never build a process or practice around a tool, the tool must rather make the process or practice easier or more efficient. Manually starting your automated security and performance tests. The levels are not strict and mandatory stages that needs to be passed in sequence, but rather should serve as a base for evaluation and planning.

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