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SoaMoa is a web service automation tool, that allows to test different web services with a push of a button.
You can design a set of tests, or scripts, or test cases, or whatever you call them. With a single click, you can start the tests. There is no need to compile anything and no need to run anything before.
SoaMoa represents the tests as simple Java object that you can run as you want. Test run result is represented as a table like you can see in this image:

You can also share these tests between people. Everybody can run the same tests, no matter their java knowledge.
SoaMoa is not bound to a specific testing framework. SoaMoa can be used together with the most common frameworks, like JUnit, Hibernate, Spring, Struts2, etc.
There are no hidden costs, you can try SoaMoa totally free. The demo will give you an idea of the possibilities.
Even if SoaMoa is really simple to use, SoaMoa is more powerful.

Benefits of SoaMoa:
Many benefits:
– Test anytime, anywhere
– Easy to implement and maintain, you don’t need to install anything
– Tests can be run from GUI, from command line, from another application
– Tests can be shared with other users
– Tests can be run in continuous integration

SoaMoa in Beta status:
Due to great interest from users, the SoaMoa team decided to give a chance to user testing SoaMoa.
Since today we are ready to offer free access to SoaMoa to small and mid size companies, and anyone willing to test SoaMoa.
To get started with SoaMoa you need to register to get access to SoaMoa.
You can do that directly at our site, at
No more waiting. Time to test SoaMoa.

A new version of SoaMoa has been released:

The new version is released.
New features:
– Introduce a new method to inject a json into a body, and into another method. This is a must if you are using JSON as a body.
– Method parameter is added to

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Sockso.com is a cloud-based sock script-testing platform. Sockso provides a simple but powerful web-based interface for testing web services, gateways, and more. Sockso makes testing web services easy by providing a simple API and a convenient scripting language. Sockso is especially well-suited for testing web services at the consumer end that do not have a central server or are not programmable. Sockso makes it easy to test application endpoints and gateways on any web server. Sockso supports most dynamic web scripting languages, including Groovy, Ruby, Java, Python, and PHP. With Sockso you can test HTTP requests, JSON and XML responses, SOAP, REST, and more. Read more.
Vendor’s Description:
Beeswax is an easy-to-use, powerful Web service testing framework. With Beeswax, you can generate, test, and view reports of real-world web services in an easy-to-learn visual scripting language.
Trying to create a functional service on your own is really a complicated process. If you don’t have much experience with web service development and debugging, you might be facing this scenario:
1. You create a web service in Java, Java Script, or PHP,
2. You debug it with a local server,
3. You generate a WSDL,
4. You try to create a functional service, and
5. You get this complicated web service testing process.
Beeswax automates this entire process. You can create a simple script with a few clicks of your mouse and start debugging, testing, and generating a WSDL.
You can create a web service, web application, or API in simple steps. Just insert some text to define a method, select parameters, specify a return type, and set the name and description for the method, and Beeswax will generate the class files, method definition, and method stubs.
Create and debug web services and web applications in a few clicks of your mouse. Beeswax has its own debugging environment and a simple visual scripting language (called BeeScript). You can start debugging, monitoring, testing, and generating WSDL files right from the plugin.
Implement your own web services or convert legacy web services to a new format in a few minutes. Beeswax generates the Java and PHP code to implement the web service. You can even generate a W

SoaMoa Free License Key

This project makes web service testing intuitive with a combination of IDE and code generator.
You can create a mock of a web service with almost no coding. It’s a replacement for SoaMoaPro, but now it works without SoaMoaPro.
See demo
SoaMoa 0.1.0 is in beta status. Even in the current version, it makes web service testing very simple. With SoaMoa, test input will be intuitive.
With a push of a button you can create groovy scripts and JUnit test cases. At beginning of 2010 we will offer a productive version of SoaMoa. 2010 you can choice a free LGPL and a SoaMoaPro version.
This project makes web service testing intuitive with a combination of IDE and code generator.
You can create a mock of a web service with almost no coding. It’s a replacement for SoaMoaPro, but now it works without SoaMoaPro.


Revision as of 19:51, 15 January 2010

SoaMoa 0.2.0 is in beta status. Even in the current version, it makes web service testing very simple. With SoaMoa, test input will be intuitive.
With a push of a button you can create groovy scripts and JUnit test cases. At beginning of 2010 we will offer a productive version of SoaMoa. 2010 you can choice a free LGPL and a SoaMoaPro version.
This project makes web service testing intuitive with a combination of IDE and code generator.
You can create a mock of a web service with almost no coding. It’s a replacement for SoaMoaPro, but now it works without SoaMoaPro.

SoaMoa 0.1.0 is in beta status. Even in the current version, it makes web service testing very simple. With SoaMoa, test input will be intuitive.
With a push of a button you can create groovy scripts and JUnit test cases. At beginning of 2010 we will offer a productive version of SoaMoa

What’s New in the?

SoaMoa is a tool to create a web service with Groovy and GroovyScript. You can test your web services using Groovy, GroovyScript and TestNG.

SoaMoa is based on the GroovyShell. The idea of SoaMoa is to create a powerful tool to simplify the creation of a Groovy web services.


I do not know if this is what you are looking for, but I am currently using the free version of SoaMoa and I have to say that it is very powerful.
It offers the ability to test your web services with Groovy and TestNG, but also it will create a GWS for you automatically (as long as it was created from an XML file).

Data collected during the course of the CHIPS study, the Nurses’ Health Study and the Physicians’ Health Study on the relationship between cognitive decline and dietary fat may be subject to biases from volunteer status.

This study presents findings related to the inflammatory state of the brain, immune cell trafficking and immunological activation in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia.

The National Institute of Mental Health has released an extensive list of the things you should do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your brain health. These suggestions include: taking a walk, reading a book, studying, learning new things, exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy foods.

High-fat diet associated with increased risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s

There is increasing evidence that diets high in saturated fats may increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Now, a new study suggests that a high-fat diet may be linked to elevated levels of inflammatory markers, which in turn may lead to increased risk of the two illnesses.Q:

What is the most comprehensive way to teach someone to cook real-world recipes?

I’d like to teach my parents how to cook, but they’ve never had a real kitchen and the quality of the ingredients I find at my local grocery store is severely lacking. I find the ideal recipe is half a dozen ingredients, easily measured and prepared, without laborious instructions.
What’s the best way to teach my parents how to cook real-world recipes without them feeling too overwhelmed?


I think the fact that your parents don’t have a “real kitchen” is a good thing, because there is no way around a lack of resources. Take advantage of your parents’ lack of experience with cooking and use this to your advantage!

Learn from them. What are some things your mom or dad have never cooked? What do they know how to do? Why don’t they like to cook? These things will be valuable information when it comes to understanding the reasons they don’t cook. Take notes and act as their assistant for the day


System Requirements:

Windows 10
OS X 10.11 or later
SteamOS or Linux
Minimum Requirements:
OS X 10.8 or later
Edit: We have issued a full refund for the Linux players.
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