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LibObfuscate Crack+ Activator X64

libObfuscate is a modern and portable C library designed for those who need an simple and powerful encryption and encryption manager.
The goal is to minimize a bit the memory footprint while keeping the general performance of other encryption methods.
The main feature is to offer two modes: the simple mode where the encryption algorithm and the cipher mode are selected automatically,
and the complex mode where a user can choose the algorithm he wants to use.
In addition, the library is highly configurable:
– Up to 256 byte block cipher: AES, 3DES, Twofish, Serpent
– IV, Salt, Password and Options
– Arbitrary number of block-based key sizes and a generation algorithm
– Arbitrary number of key schedule options
– IVless mode (and its corresponding cipher mode)
– Encrypted and HMAC-encrypted keys
– Chaining-mode to convert block-based encryption into stream-based encryption
– The easy access to the algorithm and its documentation
The main package contains the following files:
– config.h
– cryptlib.h
– cryptlib.c
– CryptLib.h
– CryptLib.c
– Makefile
– NEWS.md
– docs


PACKAGEMAKER is the main package of libObfuscate.
This package has been written using Nimrod.
You will find a large number of scripts in this package,
used to generate some documentation and build the package.
If you are unsure about the usage of a script,
please consult its doc in the main package.


CONFIG.H is the main configuration file.
It contain some useful definitions about the encryption and options used in the library.
In particular, you can select the block cipher,
the key size,
the number of iteration and the encryption mode.
You can also define the number of key schedule options,
the mode of operation for the key schedule,
and you can also specify the IV size, the hashing algorithm
and the mode for the HMAC


Each iteration, a new KeyMACRO is generated and is composed by the Initialize, the Update and the Finalize stages.
It relies on the length of the data chunks being processed.
It is the way all AES-based algorithms and block-based crypto algorithms are wrapped.
Cipher-Block-Chaining or CBC  is a mode of operation that is often used with block-based encryption algorithms.
It works by setting up a state in which each block of input is encrypted independently of any other block of input.
Cipher-Block-Chaining or CBC  is a mode of operation that is often used with block-based encryption algorithms.
When computing the MAC (Message Authentication Code) based on CBC, the hash or MAC function is run on the first block of input.
All following blocks are concatenated and processed in order, one after the other, until the last block of input is reached.
The output of the final block is then the MAC for all the blocks of input.
The algorithm specifies where the MAC is located relative to the stream of ciphertext blocks.
It will be at a position that is a multiple of the block length.
This algorithm is used in the CBC-mode mode of operation for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), of which the Rijndael algorithm is a popular implementation.
This algorithm is used in the CBC-mode of operation for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), of which the Rijndael algorithm is a popular implementation.
Using this algorithm the MAC for each ciphertext block is appended at the end of the data stream.
GOST R 34.11-2012-256-CBC  is an implementation of the Gost R 34.11-2012-256 signature scheme in the Counter with CBC Mode (CTBC) mode of operation.
The GOST R 34.11-2012-256 is a cryptographic standard for public-key cryptographic algorithms.
It is based on the Gost R 34.11-2012 key exchange algorithm.
The mode of operation is CBC.
It is a block-based cipher.
It is defined by the NESSIE Project within the cryptographic framework of the NESSIE group.
In this algorithm the MAC is appended as a new block to the data stream.
This mode of operation is often used for the more security-aware cryptographic protocols.
This mode of operation is often used for the more security-aware cryptographic protocols.

LibObfuscate Download [Mac/Win]

What’s New In LibObfuscate?

Cypher-Block-Chaining (CBC) consists in wrapping a number of crypto algorithms (the library implements AES-PROCESS and NESSIE-PROCESS) so that each algorithm manages a block at a time of a classical stream.

To achieve this result, the algorithms are called independently and each output is stored in a specified place.

Afterward, the output of each algorithm is concatenated and placed again in another specified place.

This mode of operation allows the use of 16 blocks (or 128 bits) per iteration, so that the algorithm’s cost per iteration remains small.

Furthermore, we can choose to use any crypto algorithm or not.

So, we have 2 modes of operation, in both modes we can choose the number of iterations and the number of blocks of each algorithm.


If you only want to obfuscate your source code, the -i 0 -b 0 parameter are enough. But if you need to obfuscate your binary, you must specify the correct parameters.

In the most common mode of operation (CBC), we can select the number of iterations and the number of blocks.

For example if you select 2 iterations and 4 blocks, you will have (2×4) = 8 iterations, and each algorithm will be called 8 times.

Specifying the correct parameters is important if you want to encrypt your code.

The Bcrypt mode of operation is similar to the last mode of operation, but here each algorithm will be executed a number of times that depends on the number you specify.

If you select 0 iterations and 0 blocks, the Bcrypt algorithm will be executed once, and it can be used to obfuscate your code, but only your code.

Also, if you specify -i 0 or -b 0, you can use the Bcrypt mode.

Developping tool:

The full source code is in the tool, but we can see the following functions:

The following parameters can be passed to the ObfuscateTool.bat:

-k -k must specify the key-file, whose content is obfuscated in the output file.

-i -i : the number of iterations of the algorithm we want to use.

-n -n : the number of blocks of the algorithm we want to use.

If you do not specify the parameters, the ObfuscateTool is executed with the parameters:

-i 0 -n 0

The ObfuscateTool can be used to obfuscate your source code or your binary.

However, if you have already obfuscated your binary, the ObfuscateTool will probably not modify the binary.

In fact, ObfuscateTool checks if the binary has already been obfuscated and will not modify the binary.

To run the tool, type the following


System Requirements:

*Mac OS X 10.4 or later
*5.1GB or more RAM
*Nvidia GeForce 5500 or later
*Nvidia GeForce 7200 or later
*Nvidia GeForce 8500 or later
*Nvidia GeForce 9600 or later
*Nvidia GeForce 9700 or later
*Nvidia GeForce 9800 or later
*Intel CPU with 3dnow or later instruction set
*Windows Vista 32/64bit
*Windows Vista 32bit
*Wine 1


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