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Unrestricted Warfare Qiao Liang Wang Xiangsui Pdf [UPD] Download 🤜

Unrestricted Warfare Qiao Liang Wang Xiangsui Pdf [UPD] Download 🤜


Unrestricted Warfare Qiao Liang Wang Xiangsui Pdf Download

we set out to write it in the hope of proposing a perspective that for the first time would answer the question of whether or not, in the face of the worldwide rise of new technology and development in the 21st century, it is still possible to resolve political issues without the use of military force.

we have tried to provide a study of the development and application of strategy in all forms to show that the application of various weapons, including cyber weapons, is part of modern warfare in all its dimensions and that the adoption of these weapons is now a necessity.

we also explore the politics of unconventional warfare, including the use of international and cyber attacks by computer-savvy individuals or small groups of unsavory individuals with extraordinary resources, to undermine the political strength of an opponent, thus leaving the government of the state that is in power unable to solve the conflicts and hindering its efforts to enforce its will on its own people or on others.

more directly related to present-day circumstances is our approach to the question of how to deal with an offensive strategy of an opponent who possesses the means of destroying one’s military forces without having the means to prevent it from doing so. there are some who say that, in order to win a war against a modern military force, one must possess offensive military capabilities that match or exceed the military capabilities of the opponent, either through one’s own development or acquisition.

unrestricted warfare, the authors argue that china should not only develop its military capabilities but also integrate non-military weapons and means in its strategy. its primary objective should not be to field a large conventional army as this would merely serve as an excuse to wage a high-tech war.

several case studies are provided by qiao and wang to illustrate the challenges that bedevil the opponent. importantly, the “intelligence-to-decision” cycle is getting shorter and shorter in that the availability of intelligence is quite a minute, while the time and cost of decision-making and implementation are quite substantial. hence, a combination of technical and non-military means can be an effective strategy for the weaker party to defeat the stronger parties. the weaker party, therefore, needs to build coalitions among several different stakeholders (e.g., businessmen, elites, the criminal organizations, and the opposition political parties). in this case, keystones for the “coalitions” may be “groups of above average intelligence and relative social power”. in cases where the weaker party is unable to construct such coalitions, it may be best to utilize new technologies and unconventional tactics to bypass the information imbalance and attain a tactical advantage. since tactics are easy to falsify and can no longer be tracked by international organizations, it is crucial that they be properly implemented by capable leadership.
the empirical sections can be divided into four parts: (i) background, (ii) policy, (iii) technologies, and (iv) tactics. the sections that follow look at each of these areas separately. a number of case studies are provided at the end of the book to illustrate the theory and raise critical issues.
the backgrounds that one may observe are the growing diversity of actors in military affairs, the increasing disparity in technological capabilities between two countries, and the reemergence of great power rivalry in the chinese military. this is particularly interesting for the thesis of the book is that the chinese military should be a formidable power when compared to the us because of its new-found technological dynamism and growing diversity of actors.


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