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20 Twenty Malayalam Movie Free Download

111. Alas, the great cultural and moral patrimony of Europe is under the pressure of an invasion whose most visible manifestation is the spread of a modern secularism which can no longer be combated by theological means alone. All the Christian communities feel its force. In its modern form, this secularism lacks any philosophic foundation. Religion as such has ceased to interest it. It is indifferent to some, hostile to others, or they are merely tolerated. Anyone who wants to believe, anyone who wants to profess his faith in Jesus Christ, is told that he can do so, but if he does so, he will be considered abnormal and put in quarantine. In that way, freedom of conscience and of religion is violated. Even if all the people cannot be called upon to be faithful Christians, there are still obligations which every one of us must fulfill. The globalization of secularist positions and the exasperation of the faithful, whether they be Buddhist, Muslim or Jewish, will have to lead to a turn away from the false secularism which is the present negation of the gospel. It may be a painful process, but the question is no longer whether it is possible to separate church and state, but when it will be possible to speak of religion without using the term “Christian” and how the Christian can speak out with a witness of faith and love. For this, we need a strong and confident voice which can acknowledge the legitimate demands of others, but which remains clear about its own identity. It is from this perspective that I understand the act of solidarity which has taken place in Europe, and I welcome it, because this act is an affirmation of a rich and living tradition of the Christian heritage.

251. The communities of the Third World are already in place and Christians from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean have now become significant minorities in numerous countries in Europe and North America. They desire peaceful coexistence and the right to live their own faith and the right to justice for their brethren, and the conviction that not all religious communities, no matter how well established, are capable of providing an answer to their plight. Today there are Christians in countries as diverse as the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and in Latin America and Asia. These Christians meet the challenges posed by pluralism. They promote freedom of worship for members of other religions, and they deplore the violent attacks on the places of worship of religious groups which their members belong to. They are aware of the essential truth that, in a globalised world, the dignity of every human being, irrespective of his or her beliefs, consists in being treated with respect, and in seeing and sharing in the well-being of all, even those who do not share his or her faith. They respect the diversity of cultures and faiths. Despite the risk of compromise, they endeavour to work with the other religions, as their co-labourers, to meet the moral, social, cultural and economic needs of the people.
296. Above all things, we must proclaim the gospel of the living and risen Christ. Whoever he may be, he is at the centre of everything, not outside of it, but at its heart. He is the light which shines in our lives, not the “light of the world”. The proclaiming of the truth of Jesus as son of God and king of the kings of the earth, the proclamation of life in God the Father, of the Holy Spirit as creator of life, of freedom in Jesus and of love in the heart of the Father himself, the proclamation of God as “the beloved of God for ever”, the proclamation of the community of love which the Lord Jesus had in mind when he lived, worked and died – these are the three poles which enkindle and give rise to the mission of which we are called to be a part. God is the source and the outcome of the mission and we cannot neglect it. We are not called to proclaim something which we understand to be true, like the existence of the Church, of salvation or of the world. We are called to proclaim Jesus, the true God and true human being, Jesus, king of the kings of the earth, Jesus in truth, Jesus in love, Jesus in power. Jesus the man, Jesus the Word, the Word who was made flesh, and Jesus the love of God, the love that gives birth to the whole of human life, the love that works as a calling, the love which works as a temple.


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